1. Get EWB Details
This API will allow user to filter and get a list of all EWBs generated by him/her.
Request Parameters
The input parameters will be supported in the API request are as below:
- X-Auth-Token: A authentication token that needs to passed in all subsequent requests
- Root Company ID: The unique identifier (corresponds to the root Business) of a company in IRIS TOPAZ system that authorizes the user’s subsequent requests.
- Company ID: The company ID (corresponds to a Business/Legal/Filing/Place of Business) of which user wants to fetch EWBs.
Response Parameters
The API will respond with an enveloped response with a collection of invoice object. The response information is as below:
- EWB Details: Details as uploaded by the user and EWB number along with generated date (See Annexure)
- EWB Status: Status of the EWB (See Annexures for EWB status codes)
- Vehicle Update History: List of all updates made to EWB’s Part B or Vehicle details section.
- EWB Error Codes: In case status is ERROR then a list of error codes with short descriptions
- Table ID always send “1” by default
- Count of – Total EWBs found
- QR Code: For each individual EWB there will be a corresponding QR Code in base64 format
Sample Request and Response
Method | GET |
Headers |
Content-Type:application/json X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcmthbWJsZUBtYWlsaW5hdG9yLmNvbSIsImF1ZGllbmNlIjoiwODcxMzYzLCJ0ZW5hbnQiOiJkZXYifQ.-NdGYNyUV7j_tLpBdTvDbv3cuUMPFnl1sl4prLFIKsXVohe4Xmdg4ng3eC6wndLhFNlIgC8jkjuBO7KtJKfd3g companyId:1 |
Body | – |
Response (SUCCESS) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “ewbNo”: “361001811863”, “supplyType”: “O”, “subSupplyType”: “1”, “docType”: “INV”, “docNo”: “UY45645”, “docDate”: “18-06-2019”, “fromGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “fromTrdName”: “Vijeta Filing Solution_400701”, “fromAddr1”: “Mumbai”, “fromAddr2”: “Mumbai”, “fromPlace”: “Mumbai”, “fromPincode”: “248001”, “fromStateCode”: “05”, “toGstin”: “05AAAAU1183B1Z0”, “toTrdName”: “”, “toAddr1”: “”, “toAddr2”: “”, “toPlace”: “”, “toPincode”: “400701”, “toStateCode”: “27”, “totalValue”: 100, “cgstValue”: 0, “sgstValue”: 0, “igstValue”: 0, “cessValue”: 0, “transporterId”: “05AAAAU1183B5ZW”, “transporterName”: “UTTARANCHAL KRISHI UTPADAN MANDI PARISHAD”, “transDocNo”: “”, “transMode”: “1”, “vehicleNo”: “MH12MH1234”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “itemList”: [ { “productName”: “”, “productDesc”: “”, “hsnCode”: “88”, “quantity”: “0”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 0, “cessRate”: 0, “cessNonAdvol”: 0, “taxableAmount”: 100, “iamt”: 0, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 0 } ], “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “ewbDate”: “18/06/2019 08:51:00 AM”, “ewbUpdateDate”: “19/06/2019 06:54:00 AM”, “validUpto”: “20/06/2019 11:59:00 AM”, “actualDist”: 100, “noValidDays”: 2, “extendedTimes”: 1, “rejectStatus”: “N”, “vehicleDetails”: [ { “vehicleNo”: “MH02EX0967”, “fromPlace”: “Mumbai”, “fromState”: “5”, “transDocNo”: “”, “transMode”: “1”, “tripshtNo”: 0, “userGSTINTransin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “enteredDate”: “18/06/2019”, “groupNo”: “0”, “canceled”: false }, { “vehicleNo”: “MH12MH6666”, “fromPlace”: “Nashik”, “fromState”: “27”, “transDocNo”: “”, “transMode”: “1”, “tripshtNo”: 0, “userGSTINTransin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “enteredDate”: “19/06/2019”, “groupNo”: “0”, “canceled”: false }, { “ewbNo”: “361001811863”, “vehicleNo”: “MH12MH1234”, “fromPlace”: “Nashik”, “fromState”: “27”, “reasonCode”: “1”, “transMode”: “1”, “vehDetUpdatedOn”: “19/06/2019 06:54:00”, “canceled”: false }, { “vehicleNo”: “”, “fromPlace”: “MUMBAI”, “fromState”: “5”, “transDocNo”: “D5876789”, “transMode”: “2”, “tripshtNo”: 0, “userGSTINTransin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “enteredDate”: “19/06/2019”, “groupNo”: “0”, “canceled”: false } ], “status”: “ACTIVE”, “genGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “delPinCode”: “400701”, “delStateCode”: “27”, “delPlace”: “”, “qrCode”: “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”, “reqGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “generatedBy”: “amit.nandha@irisindia.net”, “generatedOn”: “18/06/2019 08:51:59 PM”, “totInvValue”: 100, “actFromStateCode”: “05”, “actToStateCode”: “27”, “invType”: “B2B”, “companyId”: 7373, “transactionType”: “1”, “cessNonAdvolValue”: 0, “otherValue”: 0, “alert”: “The distance between the given pincodes are not available in the system.”, “extnRsnCode”: “1”, “extnRemarks”: “dd”, “updateRsnCode”: “1”, “remainingDistance”: 1, “validityUpdateDate”: “19/06/2019 05:21:00”, “refreshedOn”: “19/06/2019 17:21:59”, “finYear”: “2019-2020” } } |
Response (Success but “No Data Found”) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “No data found”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: “No data found” }
Response (FAILURE)
{ “status”: “FAILURE”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Unauthorized user.”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: null } |
2. GET Single EWB Details / Refresh EWB Details
This API will allow user to get details of a single EWB or refresh details of an EWB already in the Topaz system.
Request Parameters
The input parameters will be supported in the API request are as below:
- X-Auth-Token: A authentication token that needs to passed in all subsequent requests
- Root Company ID: The unique identifier (corresponds to the root Business) of a company in IRIS TOPAZ system that authorizes the user’s subsequent requests.
- Company ID: The company ID (corresponds to a Business/Legal/Filing/Place of Business) for which user wants to post the request.
- EWB Number (ewbNo, EWB number to be fetched)
- User GSTIN (userGstin, The Requesting GSTIN)
- Update Needed (True : It will refresh data in the Topaz system by fetching latest details from NIC, False : Data will be fetched locally from Topaz system)
Response Parameters
The API will respond with an enveloped response with a collection of results object. The response information is as below:
- Status: Success/Failure
- EWB Details
Method | GET |
Headers |
Content-Type:application/json X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcmthbWJsZUBtYWlsaW5hdG9yLmNvbSIsImF1ZGlmNlIjoid2ViIiwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTUyMDI2NjU2MzYzOSwiZXhwIjoxNTIwODcxMzYzLCJWbv3cuUMPFnl1sl4prLFIKsXVohe4Xmdg4ng3eC6wndLhFNlIgC8jkjuBO7KtJKfd3g companyId:1 |
Body | |
Response (SUCCESS) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “ewbNo”: “341001542545”, “supplyType”: “O”, “subSupplyType”: “1”, “docType”: “INV”, “docNo”: “Topaz1234”, “docDate”: “2018-10-19”, “fromGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “fromTrdName”: “ABC”, “fromAddr1”: “T231”, “fromAddr2”: “IIP”, “fromPlace”: “Akodiya”, “fromPincode”: “400703”, “fromStateCode”: “5”, “toGstin”: “05AAAAR1077P1Z9”, “toTrdName”: “RJ-Rawat Foods”, “toAddr1”: “S531, SSB Towers”, “toAddr2”: “MG Road”, “toPlace”: “Bangaluru”, “toPincode”: “263652”, “toStateCode”: “27”, “totalValue”: 1, “cgstValue”: 0, “sgstValue”: 0, “igstValue”: 0, “cessValue”: 1, “transporterId”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “transporterName”: “ACVDF”, “transDocNo”: “1212”, “transMode”: “4”, “transDistance”: “206”, “transDocDate”: “19/10/2018”, “vehicleNo”: “null”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “itemList”: [ { “productName”: “Sugar”, “productDesc”: “Sugar”, “hsnCode”: “66”, “quantity”: “10”, “qtyUnit”: “KGS”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 12, “cessRate”: 20, “cessNonAdvol”: 4006, “taxableAmount”: 20000, “iamt”: 2400, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 4000, “txp”: “T” }, { “productName”: “Sugar”, “productDesc”: “Sugar”, “hsnCode”: “66”, “quantity”: “10”, “qtyUnit”: “KGS”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 28, “cessRate”: 21, “cessNonAdvol”: 4170, “taxableAmount”: 10000, “iamt”: 2800, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 2100, “txp”: “L” } ], “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “ewbDate”: “19/10/2018 08:02:00 PM”, “validUpto”: “22/10/2018 11:59:00 AM”, “rejectStatus”: “N”, “vehicleDetails”: [ { “ewbNo”: “341001542545”, “vehicleNo”: “null”, “fromPlace”: “Akodiya”, “fromState”: “5”, “transDocNo”: “1212”, “transDocDate”: “19/10/2018”, “transMode”: “4”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “vehDetUpdatedOn”: “19/10/2018 20:02:28” } ], “status”: “ACTIVE”, “qrCode”: “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”, “totInvValue”: 1007770, “actFromStateCode”: “27”, “actToStateCode”: “5”, “invType”: “B2B”, “transactionType”: “4”, “dispatchFromGstin”: “URP”, “dispatchFromTradeName”: “PQR”, “shipToGstin”: “URP”, “shipToTradeName”: “ABC”, “cessNonAdvolValue”: 0, “otherValue”: -10, “alert”: “Total invoice value is more than the sum of total assessible value and tax values” } } |
Response (FAILURE) |
{ “status”: “FAILURE”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Problem in fetching E – Way bill”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: [ { “ewbErrorCode”: 357, “ewbErrorDesc”: “Could not retrieve eway bill details, pl. contact helpdesk” } ] } |
3. GET EWB Generated by Others
This API will allow user to get details of all EWBs generated by other counter-parties against the user’s GSTIN.
Request Parameters
The input parameters will be supported in the API request are as below:
- X-Auth-Token: A authentication token that needs to passed in all subsequent requests
- Root Company ID: The unique identifier (corresponds to the root Business) of a company in IRIS TOPAZ system that authorizes the user’s subsequent requests.
- Company ID: The company ID (corresponds to a Business/Legal/Filing/Place of Business) for which user wants to post the request.
- Date (date, Generation Date for which user needs to fetch EWBs for)
- User GSTIN (userGstin, The Requesting GSTIN)
- Update Needed (updateNeeded, True: It will get data from NIC into the Topaz system and update relevant fields)
Response Parameters
The API will respond with an enveloped response with a collection of results object. The response information is as below:
- Status: Success/Failure
- Array of EWB with Details
Method | GET |
Headers |
Content-Type:application/json X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcmthbWJsZUBtYWlsaW5hdG9yLmNvbSIsImF1ZGlmNlIjoid2ViIiwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTUyMDI2NjU2MzYzOSwiZXhwIjoxNTIwODcxMzYvDbv3cuUMPFnl1sl4prLFIKsXVohe4Xmdg4ng3eC6wndLhFNlIgC8jkjuBO7KtJKfd3g companyId:1 |
Body | – |
Response (SUCCESS) (If E-Way Bill generated from IRIS platform then detailed response) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “data”: [ { “ewbNo”: “341001542545”, “supplyType”: “O”, “subSupplyType”: “1”, “docType”: “INV”, “docNo”: “Topaz1234”, “docDate”: “2018-10-19”, “fromGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “fromTrdName”: “ABC”, “fromAddr1”: “T231”, “fromAddr2”: “IIP”, “fromPlace”: “Akodiya”, “fromPincode”: “400703”, “fromStateCode”: “5”, “toGstin”: “05AAAAR1077P1Z9”, “toTrdName”: “RJ-Rawat Foods”, “toAddr1”: “S531, SSB Towers”, “toAddr2”: “MG Road”, “toPlace”: “Bangaluru”, “toPincode”: “263652”, “toStateCode”: “27”, “totalValue”: 1, “cgstValue”: 0, “sgstValue”: 0, “igstValue”: 0, “cessValue”: 1, “transDocDate”: “19/10/2018”, “vehicleNo”: “null”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “itemList”: [ { “productName”: “Sugar”, “productDesc”: “Sugar”, “hsnCode”: “66”, “quantity”: “10”, “qtyUnit”: “KGS”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 12, “cessRate”: 20, “cessNonAdvol”: 4006, “taxableAmount”: 20000, “iamt”: 2400, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 4000, “txp”: “T” }, { “productName”: “Sugar”, “productDesc”: “Sugar”, “hsnCode”: “66”, “quantity”: “10”, “qtyUnit”: “KGS”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 28, “cessRate”: 21, “cessNonAdvol”: 4170, “taxableAmount”: 10000, “iamt”: 2800, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 2100, “txp”: “L” } ], “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “ewbDate”: “19/10/2018 08:02:00 PM”, “rejectStatus”: “N”, “vehicleDetails”: [ { “ewbNo”: “341001542545”, “vehicleNo”: “null”, “fromPlace”: “Akodiya”, “fromState”: “5”, “transDocNo”: “1212”, “transDocDate”: “19/10/2018”, “transMode”: “4”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “vehDetUpdatedOn”: “19/10/2018 20:02:28” } ], “status”: “ACTIVE_INVALID”, “qrCode”: “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”, “fetchedOn”: “22/10/2018 10:47:16 AM”, “reqGstin”: “05AAAAR1077P1Z9”, “totInvValue”: 1007770, “actFromStateCode”: “27”, “actToStateCode”: “5”, “invType”: “B2B”, “transactionType”: “4”, “dispatchFromGstin”: “URP”, “dispatchFromTradeName”: “PQR”, “shipToGstin”: “URP”, “shipToTradeName”: “ABC”, “cessNonAdvolValue”: 0, “otherValue”: -10, “alert”: “Total invoice value is more than the sum of total assessible value and tax values” }, ], “pageNumber”: 0, “numberOfElements”: 1, “totalElements”: 48, “totalPages”: 48 } } |
Response (SUCCESS) (If E-Way bill generated from system other than IRIS Topaz) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “data”: [ { “ewbNo”: “371001112532”, “docNo”: “244S1234”, “docDate”: “2018-02-20”, “fromGstin”: “05BBBBBX1183B5ZW “, “toGstin”: “05BBBBBX1183B5ZW “, “ewbDate”: “25/05/2018 03:52:00 AM”, “genMode”: “API”, “rejectStatus”: “N”, “status”: “ACTIVE_INVALID”, “genGstin”: “05BBBBBX1183B5ZW “, “fetchedOn”: “26/05/2018 09:30:28 AM”, “reqGstin”: “05BBBBBX1183B5ZW ” } ], “pageNumber”: 0, “numberOfElements”: 1, “totalElements”: 1, “totalPages”: 1 } } |
Response (FAILURE) |
{ “status”: “FAILURE”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Problem while fetching E – Way bills :null”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: [ { “ewbErrorList”: [ { “ewbErrorCode”: 325, “ewbErrorDesc”: “Could not retrieve data” } ] } ] } |
4. GET EWBs Assigned to Me for Transportation
This API will allow user to get details of all EWBs generated by other counter-parties assigned to the user GSTIN for transportation.
Request Parameters
The input parameters will be supported in the API request are as below:
- X-Auth-Token: A authentication token that needs to passed in all subsequent requests
- Root Company ID: The unique identifier (corresponds to the root Business) of a company in IRIS TOPAZ system that authorizes the user’s subsequent requests.
- Company ID: The company ID (corresponds to a Business/Legal/Filing/Place of Business) for which user wants to post the request.
- Date (date, Generation Date for which user needs to fetch EWBs for)
- User GSTIN (userGstin, The Requesting GSTIN)
- Update Needed (updateNeeded, True: It will get data from NIC into the Topaz system and update relevant fields)
Response Parameters
The API will respond with an enveloped response with a collection of results object. The response information is as below:
- Status: Success/Failure
- Array of EWB with Details
Method | GET |
Headers |
Content-Type:application/json X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcmthbWJsZUBtYWlsaW5hdG9yLmNvbSIsImF1ZGlmNlIjoid2ViIiwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTUyMDI2NjU2MzYzOSwiZXhwIjoxNTIwODcxMzYCv3cuUMPFnl1sl4prLFIKsXVohe4Xmdg4ng3eC6wndLhFNlIgC8jkjuBO7KtJKfd3g companyId:1 |
Body | |
Response (SUCCESS) (If E-Way Bill was generated from IRIS platform then detailed response) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “data”: [ { “ewbNo”: “311001542546”, “supplyType”: “O”, “subSupplyType”: “1”, “docType”: “INV”, “docNo”: “Topaz4321”, “docDate”: “2018-10-19”, “fromGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “fromTrdName”: “ABC”, “fromAddr1”: “T231”, “fromAddr2”: “IIP”, “fromPlace”: “Akodiya”, “fromPincode”: “400703”, “fromStateCode”: “5”, “toGstin”: “URP”, “toTrdName”: “RJ-Rawat Foods”, “toAddr1”: “S531, SSB Towers”, “toAddr2”: “MG Road”, “toPlace”: “Bangaluru”, “toPincode”: “263652”, “toStateCode”: “27”, “totalValue”: 1, “cgstValue”: 0, “sgstValue”: 0, “igstValue”: 0, “cessValue”: 1, “transporterId”: “05AAAAR1077P1Z9”, “transporterName”: “ACVDF”, “transDocNo”: “1212”, “transMode”: “4”, “transDistance”: “206”, “transDocDate”: “19/10/2018”, “vehicleNo”: “null”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “itemList”: [ { “productName”: “Sugar”, “productDesc”: “Sugar”, “hsnCode”: “66”, “quantity”: “10”, “qtyUnit”: “KGS”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 12, “cessRate”: 20, “cessNonAdvol”: 4006, “taxableAmount”: 20000, “iamt”: 2400, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 4000, “txp”: “T” }, { “productName”: “Sugar”, “productDesc”: “Sugar”, “hsnCode”: “66”, “quantity”: “10”, “qtyUnit”: “KGS”, “cgstRate”: 0, “sgstRate”: 0, “igstRate”: 28, “cessRate”: 21, “cessNonAdvol”: 4170, “taxableAmount”: 10000, “iamt”: 2800, “camt”: 0, “samt”: 0, “csamt”: 2100, “txp”: “L” } ], “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “ewbDate”: “19/10/2018 08:10:00 AM”, “validUpto”: “22/10/2018 11:59:00 AM”, “extendedTimes”: 0, “rejectStatus”: “N”, “vehicleDetails”: [ { “ewbNo”: “311001542546”, “vehicleNo”: “null”, “fromPlace”: “Akodiya”, “fromState”: “5”, “transDocNo”: “1212”, “transDocDate”: “19/10/2018”, “transMode”: “4”, “vehicleType”: “R”, “vehDetUpdatedOn”: “19/10/2018 20:11:10” } ], “status”: “ACTIVE”, “genGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “delPinCode”: “263652”, “delStateCode”: “27”, “delPlace”: “Bangaluru”, “qrCode”: “iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAOEAAADhAQAAAAAWyO/XAAACE0lEQVR4nO2YMa6DQAxEHVFsyRG4yediSCBxMbjJHiElBcJ/ZnaVEEX/FyniFKFAkLeFs7ZnvJj/c032pV/6Kr2a2eXaZD9sdLN2zmnBTymYju5roY2nlcHyFk0HS6C+9b5328XnjMXWfQL1CeA6lN/Sx1DPiTuJJWbPMQdQ5Xd00EFAiz2aqhewievt9tQp76e60AtYMmZf2pnhPqpKBN1rmfFmP+3eQTz2W8xBlPk9WkeHcsliDBy6FkyhFsovNTanUnVY57EUQob9m13KXxpiwS3FUuSXLuSsOu7fbhBayEgwxY1CVqOXeFBog6nDsa3Jm9qgV8zX5tS/MXRSX1LSUGsLnuCXp38URGd2QK01pRvRzzma1leKR1bM8KO9i6YTvREtubRSEGznes5vEPVsPacv7d9BgzzrRhSVH1XJ0MxqGAwfXfL9FI4ttVBDwJQo/x9AmVp6I/1oMz4p3bGUdX+0E2qNTwRb9YBgqsFLGgZncp6Api6YljZwejfGijK43l0yjA48jWGMX0vBTfU1mlJjJx2vHQqC43V/2skoOnKgH0xzjnSNVu7BVBdH56Od66TKo4fH0lJmyCoHQ55h2abNreqi6KiPIbSi0asH3HUjjOrbCPNbnAlPEtpPocUgPft5J0Opmb4jMVy5eBdNlV9ZEdTWNB3a/bQYRavUU9I41ev75NClWPr39aVf+iL9BRnKlauroULHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC”, “fetchedOn”: “22/10/2018 11:21:42 AM”, “reqGstin”: “05AAAAR1077P1Z9”, “totInvValue”: 1007770, “actFromStateCode”: “27”, “actToStateCode”: “5”, “invType”: “B2B”, “transactionType”: “4”, “dispatchFromGstin”: “URP”, “dispatchFromTradeName”: “PQR”, “shipToGstin”: “URP”, “shipToTradeName”: “ABC”, “cessNonAdvolValue”: 0, “otherValue”: -10, “alert”: “Total invoice value is more than the sum of total assessible value and tax values” }, ], “pageNumber”: 0, “numberOfElements”: 1, “totalElements”: 1, “totalPages”: 1 } } |
Response (SUCCESS) (If E-Way bill was generated from system other than IRIS Topaz) |
{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “data”: [ { “ewbNo”: “361001266795”, “docNo”: “9000000096”, “docDate”: “2018-04-24”, “ewbDate”: “27/05/2018 01:23:00 AM”, “validUpto”: “03/06/2018 11:59:00 AM”, “extendedTimes”: 0, “rejectStatus”: “N”, “status”: “ACTIVE”, “genGstin”: “05BBBBBX1183B5ZW “, “delPinCode”: “999999”, “delStateCode”: “6”, “delPlace”: “Ambala, Haryana”, “fetchedOn”: “28/05/2018 02:12:21 PM”, “reqGstin”: “05BBBBBX1183B5ZW ” } ], “pageNumber”: 0, “numberOfElements”: 1, “totalElements”: 1, “totalPages”: 1 } } |
Response (FAILURE) |
{ “status”: “FAILURE”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Problem while fetching E – Way bills :null”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: [ { “ewbErrorList”: [ { “ewbErrorCode”: 325, “ewbErrorDesc”: “Could not retrieve data” } ] } ] } |
5. GET Consolidated EWB
This API will allow user to get details of Consolidated EWB for a given E-way bill number.
Request Parameters
The inputs parameters will be supported in the API request are as below:
- X-Auth-Token: A authentication token that needs to passed in all subsequent requests
- Root Company ID: The unique identifier (corresponds to the root Business) of a company in IRIS TOPAZ system that authorizes the user’s subsequent requests.
- Company ID: The company ID (corresponds to a Business/Legal/Filing/Place of Business) for which user wants to post the request.
- User GSTIN (userGstin, The Requesting GSTIN)
- Consolidated EWB Number
Response Parameters
The API will respond with an enveloped response with a collection of results object. The response information is as below:
- Status: Success/Failure
- Array of Consolidated EWB with Details
Method | GET |
Headers |
Content-Type:application/json X-Auth-Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcmthbWJsZUBtYWlsaW5hdG9yLmNvbSIsImF1ZGlmNlIjoid2ViIiwiY3JlYXRlZCI6MTUyMDI2NjU2MzYzOSwiZXhwIjoxNTIwODcxMzYvDbv3cuUMPFnl1sl4prLFIKsXVohe4Xmdg4ng3eC6wndLhFNlIgC8jkjuBO7KtJKfd3g companyId:1 |
Body | – |
Response (SUCCESS) (If Consoliated E-Way Bill generated from IRIS platform or from system other than IRIS Topaz) |
{{ “status”: “SUCCESS”, “errorList”: null, “message”: “Request processed successfully”, “fieldErrors”: null, “errors”: null, “response”: { “cEwbNo”: “3310017517”, “cEwbDate”: “22/10/2018 12:02:00”, “fromPlace”: “BANGALORE SOUTH”, “fromState”: “29”, “vehicleNo”: “”, “transMode”: “3”, “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “enteredDate”: “22/10/2018 12:02:00”, “transDocNo”: “1234”, “transDocDate”: “21/10/2018”, “tripSheetEwbBills”: [ { “ewbNo”: “321001542536”, “ewbDate”: “19/10/2018 06:46:00”, “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “docNo”: “INVOICE1001111”, “docDate”: “16/10/2018 00:00:00”, “fromGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “fromTradeName”: “ABC”, “toGstin”: “URP “, “toTradeName”: “RJ-Rawat Foods”, “totInvValue”: 1007770, “validUpto”: “22/10/2018 11:59:00” }, { “ewbNo”: “371001542515”, “ewbDate”: “19/10/2018 04:55:00”, “userGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “docNo”: “INVOICE100111”, “docDate”: “16/10/2018 00:00:00”, “fromGstin”: “05AAAAT2562R1Z3”, “fromTradeName”: “ABC”, “toGstin”: “URP”, “toTradeName”: “RJ-Rawat Foods”, “totInvValue”: 1007770, “validUpto”: “22/10/2018 11:59:00” } ] } } |