To identify the type of movement of goods, type of transaction (transactionType) is being added. It is a mandatory field.
The types of the transaction are ‘Regular’, ‘Bill From-Dispatch From’, ‘Bill To Ship To’, and a combination of both. If the transaction involves Dispatch-From and/or Ship-To parties, then their GSTINs and Trade names have to be provided. These are optional parameters.
Following is the screenshot for your reference:

Master codes List:
1 | Regular |
2 | Bill To – Ship To |
3 | Bill From – Dispatch From |
4 | Bill To – Ship To and Bill From – Dispatch From |
Note –
1. For Bill To – Ship To transaction type, some optional fields are added in excel utility that are GSTIN and Trade name of Ship To party.
2. For Bill From -Dispatch From transaction type, some optional fields are added in excel utility that are GSTIN and Trade name of Dispatch From party.