Order History
Here you can view the order history after placing an order. Once the order status is complete then you can download data or reports.

For orders placed actions can be taken as follows:
1. Order Confirmation – In the action column, first green symbol is related to order confirmation. So for order confirmation click on the green symbol. Enter username and click on Generate OTP and then enter OTP once you have received it.

i. So here if you want to add some data or remove some data from your order then click on edit button. And take actions.
ii. E.g. If you want to add additional data then select GSTIN and the data from drop down and then click on “add” and then click on “save order

After cancellation, the status of an order will get updated to “order cancelled”.
4. Order details – In the action column, fourth orangecolor symbol is related to order information. So to know about the details of your order, click on this orange color symbol