Transformation and Validate

Process for Transformation and validation of Data:
1. Click on Transform and Validate Data
2. Here you get two options. One is standard output and second is customized output. In the standard output, we are providing a facility for Tally user to convert their data into IRIS input format without providing a rule file. Because we already incorporated standard rule for tally ERP users.
The user who is using customized ERP for them needs to provide a rule file.
Details required for the transformation of Standard Output
1. For data transformation click on “Prepare Data In IRIS Format” and also if you want to same to get validate click on “Perform Validations”.
2. Now browse your ERP output which you want to transform
3. Enter your GSTIN no., Provide filing period and return type and then click on prepare/validate data
Details required for the transformation of Customized Output
1. For data transformation click on “Prepare Data In IRIS Format” and also if you want to same to get validate click on “Perform Validations”.
2. Now browse your ERP output which you want to transform
3. Browse created rule file over here
4. Select the return period from the drop-down for which data you are transforming
5. Provide Sheet No. in which your ERP data is present
6. Provide Header No. – It is row no. of your ERP output in which all headers are mentioned for all data columns
8. Now click on Prepare/Validate Data.
Once the data transformed, you will get a message of completed as well as a path where the transformed file got saved. The transformed file path will be the same as where your ERP output is saved.
Also while validation if any error comes then on UI itself you can see those errors. Then you need to clear all these errors from your transformed file. Option to download error file is also available here.
With transformation, it will also clean the special characters other than “/” and “-” from the file.
9. Now, these transformed file is ready for upload on IRIS Sapphire.
There are some important points to note. To know those points click here.