Search GSTIN Data by PAN
Now by providing PAN also you will be able to get GSTIN basic details and filing status of GSTINs registered under the provided PAN.
So under utilites, select -> GSTIN Data by PAN -> Enter PAN ->Click on search to get basic details or click on check filing status to get filing history of those GSTIN registered under that PAN.
You can see here in a screenshot, you will get a button of “click to download” once the request completed. And then you can download that file and See all GSTIN basic details and filing history of those GSTINs.
Disclaimer – “The search results for PAN to GSTIN is based on an algorithm developed by IRIS and returns maximum possible GSTINs registered under the searched PAN. Since there are no direct APIs made available by GSTN, there could be a remote possibility of some GSTINs not picked up in the list”