Rule 2. Invoice No. Fuzzy Logic
This rule will check invoices for which invoice numbers are not exactly matching but using a fuzzy logic comparable invoices are found.
So this comparison will be based on:
- Counterparty GSTIN
- Fuzzy logic in invoice no.
- Document financial year (i.e. month and financial year based on invoice date)
Here in invoice number fuzzy logic, it will search if the supplier invoice no. contains the purchaser only invoice number or vice a versa.
E.g. Purchase invoice no. is 1001 and supplier invoice no. is VD-1001, then these two invoices will be considered for comparison under Fuzzy invoice no. logic of advance reconciliation. And these invoices will get moved to Match/Value mismatch/Invoice mismatch category accordingly.
See below screenshot:
But if more than one invoice found for comparison then that list of related invoices you will get in the drop down of supplier only and in purchaser only. Also in drop down, you will get the option of view details of those multiple invoices. By clicking on view details, now you need to select one which is the closest one and wants to perform reconciliation with that related invoice. After clicking perform reconciliation the invoice will get move from supplier only and purchaser only toMatch/Value mismatch/Invoice mismatch category accordingly.