Net Vendor Summary
It is vendor wise details for the whole financial year. Here you will get the comparative view between 2A and 2P data. Also, get to know the differences between 2P and 2A details. This comparison is based on invoice count, invoice value, taxable value and tax amount. These values will be net of debit-credit notes.
So for creation of this summary click on the “Vendor Summary” button. Once the request is completed, you can view the net vendor summary. A download option is also available over here. In download, you will get the entire details i.e. net values and it’s bifurcation based on document type i.e. regular transactions, debit notes and credit notes.
To view these net values getting bifurcated in reconciliation categories, click on that counterparty/Vendor entry.
To view diffference in tax amounts in details like how much difference in IGST, CGST, SGST and CESS, click on value of difference in tax amount.
To view more details i.e. bifurcation of these net values like how much value of credit notes, debit notes, and regular invoices then click on “Eye Symbole” button given in last Detail column.
Also here if you clicked on Match result like “No” then filter of that vendor will get applied in “Invoice Results”. And you can see invoice level details in Invoice tab.