ITC 04 is a quarterly return. It needs to be filed by every principal manufacturer registered under GST and who sent goods to job worker for further processing on those goods.
Now by using IRIS Sapphire, you can save your ITC 04 return details at GSTN portal.
The filing due date for ITC 04 has been further extended to 31st Mar 2019 and the return for the period from July 2017 to Dec 2018 can be filed by 31st Mar 2019.
The details of the following 4 types of transactions need to be furnished in Form ITC-04 under GST:
1. Inputs or Capital goods dispatched to job workers in the quarter
2. Inputs or Capital goods received from job workers in the quarter
3. Inputs or Capital goods sent from one job worker to another job worker in the quarter
4. Inputs or Capital goods supplied from the premises of job workers in the quarter
The workflow for ITC 04 process is similar to the other returns done in IRIS Sapphire
Refer to the ITC 04 Return Preparation for more details.
Should you have any feedback or need any assistance, do get in touch our team or write to us at