Search Request:
GSTIN “Search” request provides General information about that GSTIN which got registered with GSTN. General Information Includes below details:
Sr. No. | Fields | Brief Explanation |
1 | GSTIN/UIN | GSTIN/UIN no. for which you are searching general information |
2 | Legal Name of Business | Provides Legel name of the business for searched GSTIN |
3 | Trade Name | Provides Trade name for search GSTIN |
4 | Date of registration | Provides date on which registration has taken for Searched GSTIN |
5 | Taxpayer Type | Provides taxpayer type like whether Regular taxpayer/ISD/SEZ taxpayers for searched taxpayer |
6 | Constitution of Business | Provides constitution of business for a searched GSTIN |
7 | Nature of Business Activities | Provides nature of business activities like a service provider or recipients of goods and services for searched GSTIN |
8 | Centre Jurisdiction | Provides centre jurisdiction for searched GSTIN |
9 | State Jurisdiction | Provides state jurisdiction for searched GSTIN |
10 | Date of Cancellation | Provides date of cancellation when GSTIN status is canceled for searched GSTIN |
11 | GSTIN / UIN Status | Provides GSTIN status like Active, Canceled or Provisional for searched GSTIN |
12 | Error | Provides error description if any error comes from GSTN side while fetching data |
13 | Fetch Time | Provides fetch date and time on which data got fetched from the GSTN portal |
Filing Status:
Filing status request provides you the filing history for searched GSTIN
Sr. No. | Field | Brief Explanation |
1 | GSTIN/UIN | GSTIN/UIN no. for which you are searching return filing status |
2 | Status | Provides filing status like filed or submitted for searched GSTIN |
3 | Valid | Provides filing is valid or not valid i.e. Y or N for searched GSTIN |
4 | Date of Filling | Provides date on which return is filed for searched GSTIN |
5 | ARN Number | Provides ARN number for filed returns for searched GSTIN |
6 | Mode of Filling | Provides details through which way return was filed for searched GSTIN |
7 | Return Period | Provides return period for which returns were filed |
8 | Return Type | Provides return type like GSTR 1 or GSTR 3B for searched GSTIN |
9 | Error | Provides error description if any error comes from GSTN side while fetching data |