Snapshot of features for GSTR 6
- Upload data in .CSV file as per IRIS input format. Input format designed keeping in view the need to absorb changes in the GST Law.
- Validation of Counter-party GSTIN with GSTN database
- Filters to VIEW invoices based on parameters like Error/Warning, GSTN status, Counterparty etc.
- Download all or filtered invoices. For large volume invoices, optimization is being done. While from application, large volume download can be triggered; there could be limitation of CSV/Excel to view beyond a certain number of records.
- Name of counter-party in GSTR 6A and Reconciliation view
- Reconciliation
- Auto-triggered process for reconciliation of invoices and credit/debit notes
- Reconciliation result is grouped into 4 categories
- Consolidated and category view for reconciled invoices
- Bulk action on reconciliation invoices
- Fetch GSTR 6 Summary from GSTN – Available as CSV download and consists of summary of data available at GST portal
- Comparison of GSTR 6 Summary generated on IRIS portal and GST portal. This comparison will help to reconcile data available on IRIS portal and saved at GST portal.