E-way bills Fetched based on Document Type and Document No.
Facility of fetching e-way bills details based on a document no. and document type is now available on IRIS Topaz.
So by using IRIS Topaz, you can easily fetch historic e-way bills details from NIC portal even if these e-way bills were not generated through IRIS Topaz.

Follow the below steps to use this feature:
1. Firstly select GSTIN for which you want to search E-way bills
2. You will get Utilities option in the menu bar. Now click on Utilities
3. You will get the list of Place of business (POB) for that selected GSTIN in the drop down. Now select POB
4. And further enter details like Document No., Document type and click on Search.
Note – From here you can search for multiple E-way bills details by providing maximum 50 Document numbers in a go.
5. Once you clicked on Search, in History, you can see the status of your request. For “In Process” status click on “Check status” and once status got updated to “Success” click on “Click to download”->Download, so that the file will get downloaded.
6. And also all these fetched details will get updated under View section ->”Generated by Me” tab for the selected POB.
*Note – Cancelled EWB cannot be fetched by using this utility feature