2P Summary is related to your uploaded purchase registered data for reconciliation. This summary will be available GSTIN and financial year wise. Filing period wise breakup is also available.
Here you will get summary details net of debit credit notes as well as document type-wise i.e. regular transactions, credit note, and debit note.
Importantly, you can see over here the bifurcation of invoices getting considered for reconciliation and invoices which not get considered for reconciliation. So this summary will help you to analyze your purchase registered data.
Let’s see how this feature work:
1. This feature option you will get under reconciliation tab at PAN level as well as GSTIN level
2. After selecting 2P summary, now select GSTIN and Financial year for which you want to calculate 2P summary and click on Calculate button. Once calculation completed you can see summary details financial year wise. Now by doing a selection of document type and month-wise, you can see the 2P summary as per your requirement.
3. In this summary, you can see the details like invoices considered for reconciliation and invoices not getting considered for reconciliation. Also the bifurcation between invoices with error and without error for different transactions types.
Invoices with invoice type as B2B, DE, SEWP, SEWOP without error and at least one line-item with tax applicability as T gets considered for reconciliation. Other transaction types like RCM, B2UR, IMG IMS and invoices with errors are not get considered in reconciliation.