Updated on 15th Oct 2020: Due dates of GSTR 1 Quarterly returns for tax period Oct 20 to Mar 21 is notified to be 13th of the month following the quarter | GST Notification 74/2020
Due dates of GSTR 1 Monthly returns are notified for tax period Oct 20 to Mar 21 | GST Notification 75/2020
Updated on 10th Nov 2020: CBIC extends the time limit of filing GSTR 1 | GST Notification 83/2020
GST is a complex law and it is thus common that taxpayers commit mistakes in GSTR 3B and GSTR 1 while filing the GST Return. However, once filed revisions aren’t allowed in these returns, the government has set out some rules to make rectify the mistakes in GSTR 3B and GSTR 1 for the ease and convenience of the taxpayers.
Off the GSTR 3B preparation process listed below, not all stages can be edited
Stage 1 – Confirm Submission,
Stage 2 – Cash Ledger Update
Stage 3 – Offset Liability,
Stage 4 – Return filed.
- Stage 1 and 2: Editing option is available
- Stage 3 and 4: Editing option is not available
If the errors are known before offsetting and filing then the same can be corrected by editing the respective liability side/input side etc. but on the other side if the errors are known after the offsetting and filing of return then in that case we need to follow the below:
General Rule of Rectifying Mistake after filing of GSTR 1 and 3B is done
Any invoice/debit note/credit note which is missed/under-reported/over-reported can be reported in GSTR 1 /Form GSTR-3B of the following month or before filing of annual returns
Also, liability is determined from GSTR 3B and not from GSTR 1. Hence, liability has to be paid through GSTR 3B
Here is a compendium of a few questions we have been repeatedly receiving around mistakes in GSTR 3B and GSTR 1 and our answers on how to rectify them:
1. I have under-reported tax liability in my GST returns:
When you have erroneously filed your tax liability and have under-reported it
The liability needs to be added in the return of the subsequent month and you also have to pay the appropriate interest amount as stated before.
If a taxpayer failed to report an invoice or some amount (liability) in the Form GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B in a certain month or quarter, then that liability needs to be reported and paid in the subsequent month’s/quarter’s FORM GSTR-1 and GSTR 3B with interest.
If a taxpayer has reported and paid the liability in GSTR 3B but has missed reporting the same in GSTR 1. The taxpayer can report the same in succeeding month GSTR 1, no liability and interest is required to be reported and paid through GSTR 3B
2. I have over-reported tax liability in my GST Returns:
When the tax liability has been over-reported mistakenly, then in such a scenario, the taxpayer can adjust the exceeding amount in the next month/quarter’s return. If this is not possible then GST refund may be claimed.
For example: if a taxpayer over-reported a bill or reported a bill twice then in form GSTR 3B, the over-reported sales amount needs to be deducted from the total sales amount (if possible) from outward supplies and inward supplies on reverse charge.
If a taxpayer over-reported a bill or reported a bill twice in form GSTR 1 then it can be revised in amendments under Table 9 of GSTR 1.
Liability, if any, is adjusted only through GSTR 3B, even in case there is over-reporting in GSTR1
3. I have used wrong tax rate in my GST Return
I have used wrong state while declaring intrastate or interstate liability:
Other probable mistakes can be – tax liability shown with low tax rate/high tax rate. Another case can be an interstate liability is shown as intrastate liability.
In such scenarios, the taxpayers must carefully calculate the liability or the balance tax liability and pay it rightly.
Excess paid tax liability can be adjusted or claimed as GST Refund. And lower-paid liability can be paid with interest.
To make these GST amendments, the taxpayers must file amendments Table 9 of the following month/quarter’s Form GSTR 1.
Kindly refer our blog on GST Amendments
4. I have under-reported ITC (Input Tax Credit):
If a taxpayer has under-reported his ITC for a month/quarter and wants to claim it, he/she can avail it in the return of the following period i.e. month/quarter. Only GSTR 3B’s needs to be changed and in that the required ITC can be added, in the following month.
For example: If A has mistakenly not considered a few of his purchases in a month then he can do so in the following month’s purchases and along with it, the ITC can be availed.
No actions required in GSTR 1 or 2
5. I have over-reported ITC (Input Tax Credit):
When ITC has been over-reported then the taxpayers need to reverse such excess ITC with interest in the following month/quarter. No need to change anything in GSTR 1.
Another situation can be if a taxpayer has over-claimed the Input Tax Credit and is also used the same then, the taxpayer needs to adjust or pay the same along with the appropriate interest duly in GSTR 3B in the following month/quarter
6. The cash ledger has been reported wrongly (only Stage 2 is affected):
Any mistake in cash ledger can be corrected through Challan PMT-09. Supposedly, you have paid cash in IGST instead of CGST same can be transferred from IGST head to CGST head through PMT-09
Kindly read our article on PMT-09 to know more on how to correct wrong reporting in Cash ledger:
Form PMT-09: A GST form to transfer Electronic Cash Ledger balance
So these were the mistakes in GSTR 3B and GSTR 1 and how we can resolve them in detail. You can also check out our other article which talks about Amendments in GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B in detail. The article helps you to amend GSTR 1 and Reset GSTR 3B step by step.
IRIS Sapphire can save you from all these hassles and help you file your GST Return with utmost accuracy.
IRIS Sapphire is a cloud-based premium GST Return filing software that is trusted by top companies in India and even globally. Along with offering basic features like GST Compliance Tracker, Bulk Operations, Vendor Management and so on, IRIS Sapphire also offers value-added services like:
- Know Your Monthly ITC
- Smart Reconciliation
- Download data for all your GSTINs in one go
- GSTR 6, GSTR7, GSTR 8 and GSTR 2X enabled
- Automated GSTR 9 Preparation
- GSTR 3B auto-population from filed GSTR 1 and GSTR 2 return
- Take Actions on GSTR 1 data
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ma’am, in your article for claiming itc September month or annual return whichever is earlier not mentioned
Is this condition has been removed..pls share notification with us
Dear sir,
This condition is not removed and still exist
While filing GSTR1A for March quarter, we mistakenly put 3 invoices with the wrong GSTIN number. One of our customers has 2 GSTIN number for 2 legal entities and we accidentally coded it in the wrong entity. Can you please advice how to fix this?
Kindly either issue credit note of same value against this invoice. Since GSTIN of any invoice cannot be amended. Also meanwhile issue fresh invoice which is back dated in upcoming return with corrrect GSTIN Details
I made a sales of 1.5L Rs. And created an invoice. As I was playing with different invoice numbering scheme and offline and online GST preparation. By some mistake, now 2 Invoices of invoice number 1, but of different invoice numbering scheme of 1.5L each are showing in my GSTR 1, and as I submitted it, I could not make change and I had to file as it is. And now GSTR-1 shows outward supplies of 3L.
GSTR 3B is yet to be filled. Should I show correct sales of 1.5 L in outward supplies or continue with 3L in GSTR 3B and rectify in the next months GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B?
Show 1.5L sales in outward supplies in GSTR 3B and revised one invoice of Rs. 1.5L in subsequent GSTR 1 return.
Hello Mam
We missed to include documents issued for GSTR1 for Mar 2020. Everything else is correct like taxation etc. Just the number of documents issued are missed. How can it be corrected?
There is hardly anyone to notice Tab Document issued for not providing details. Hence need not worry, provide details in respective table in your future file returns
Kindly note this is in my opinion You may receive different opinions on the same
Hello Mam
We missed the single invoice to upload in GSTR 1 for the month of may 2018 and we filed GSTR 1 till April 2020. Do we have any process to add this invoice in current GSTR 1 ?
Since September 2019 is already passed no process now
Hello Ma’am,
So no remedy for rectification of FY 2018-2019 invoices. Such rectification should be allowed atleast till the filing of Annual Return because during Annual Return working we tend to find the errors.
In such case where no rectification is allowed, what happens to the Invoices which are uploaded with wrong GSTRIN because it cant be claimed by the wrong party and the correct party is not getting it. There should be some way out in this. Otherwise lots of such Invoivces will remain hanging.
Please advice.
Dear Sir, We understand your constraints but currently there is no remedy available
Hello Ma’am
I have mistakenly filed a nil return for september 2019. How can i rectify it now & do i have to pay any penalty or late fine on tax accrued?
Pls help.
Hello Sir,
Since by filing nil return you have missed to report all the invoices so kindly report the missed invoices in upcoming month GST return
If you have filed nil 3B mistakenly so now file 3B with in upcoming month including missed invoices with interest and late fees. Since liability was missed to be paid on time
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
For more details refer our blog
sir, we are exporter in tamilnadu.. while filing the 3B of May’2020, instead of stating taxable sales in 3.1(b), i reported the sales in 3.1(a).how can i report the actual (3.1(b)) ? kindly clarify me the doubt sir.
When the tax liability has been over-reported mistakenly, then in such a scenario, the taxpayer can adjust the exceeding amount in the next month/quarter’s return. If this is not possible then GST refund may be claimed
During 2017-18, we have some B2C purchases and wrongly showed that tax portion in ineligible ITC. During filing Annual return realize the error and this ineligible ITC omitted. Now notice received from SGST showing that ineligible amount difference from 2A and ask to remit that amount with interest (ITC taken in 3B is tally with 2A, only difference is the amount shown in ineligible) They also asked to justify the difference in 3B and Annual return in Form 9.
We did not see any option for correction in ineligible ITC before filing Annual return.
Kindly get in touch with consultant for such detailed queries
Hello mam,
I have mistakenly filed zero(Rs.0) outward supplies in GSTR-3B against June’20 but have filed GSTR1 quarterly (i.e. for April, May, June) correctly with all invoices.
So what should be done now ?
“Hello Sir,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Also liability is determined from GSTR 3B hence interest will have to be paid on liability delayed through GSTR 3B
But timelimit for FY 2018-19 is already surpassed. Hence invoices of 2018-19 shall not be included in any returns now”
hello mam,
I have mistakenly filed zero(Rs.0) outward supplies in GSTR-3B against march’20 but have filed GSTR1 quarterly (i.e. for Jan, feb, March) correctly with all invoices. now Year changed,i does Mistake in 2019-20 and what to do
what should be done now ?
Hello Sir,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Also liability is determined from GSTR 3B hence interest will have to be paid on liability delayed through GSTR 3B
But timelimit for FY 2018-19 is already surpassed. Hence invoices of 2018-19 shall not be included in any returns now
Hello mam,
We missed the sale invoice which dated 15th oct 2018 and we have filed the returns till September 2020 . it was detected now only mam
what is the way out mam ?????????
Hello Madam,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 18-19 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2019 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Please note the timelimit for FY 2018-19 is already surpassed
Do refer this blog for such queries: https://irisgst.com/faqs-around-mistakes-in-gstr-3b-gstr-1-and-how-to-resolve-them/
I missed one invoice of 14.7.2020 (Tax liability Rs.2,160 Intra State Supply) in (July 2020 GSTR 3B) in august 2020 due date. Now I am filing August 2020 GSTR 3B in September 2020. Please tell me how to add missed invoice in August 2020 GSTR 3B return. GSTR 1 to be filed quarterly. i.e (July, August, September).
Please help me
Dear Sir, Adjust the details in table 3.1 i.e. outward supply with your August values. Note seperate adjustment is required to be shown. No impact in GSTR 1 show July Invoice in July itself
Also liability is determined in GSTR 3B …So you will have to pay interest for delay in paying liability with August GSSTR 3B
how to rectify in GST annual return, ITC of interstate purchase wrongly taken as ITC of import of goods in GSTR 3B of 18-19
Kindly refer to consultant for such specific issues
Hello mam
First of all, i would like to thank you for the valuable comments of yours. Coming to my query, I had missed an invoice to be reported in GSTR-1 and GSTR 3B for April’ 2019. I am going to record the same in my upcoming GSTR-1 and GSTR 3B for month of August’ 2020 (Yet to file). I want to enquire how do i calculate my penalty or interest liability for this ommitted bill.
Interest will be payable in your cases (Since you have filed your returns no penalty/late fees is applicable). Interest @18% p.a. is payable from due date of April 19 GSTR 3B till the date of payment of liability
Hello mam,
I have mistakenly filed GSTR-3B -may 2020 sales figure for Rs.13,24,28,446.00 instead of Rs. (GSTR_1 and Actual sales figure is same)
So what should be done now ? kindly reply
When the tax liability has been over-reported mistakenly, then in such a scenario, the taxpayer can adjust the exceeding amount in the next month/quarter’s return. If this is not possible then GST refund may be claimed.
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
For GSTR 3B of February 2019 we have mentioned incorrect total taxable figure in outward supplies. Instead of Rs. 259046.41 we have reported 25904641. How do we rectify the same? We noticed this mistake when we were tabulating GSTR 9 and saw that the total taxable supplies in GSTR 3B is much more than what the actual turnover is. Kindly help.
I would also like to mention that the tax liabilites mentioned in IGST and CGST/SGST was mentioned correctly. Tax liabilities was as per books and the correct figures were reported. The only mistake was in the total taxable value. Kindly help in this regard.
Any mistake / error in month 1 of GSTR 3B can be adjusted in following month GSTR 3B till earlier of September of following financial year or before filing annual return
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Also liability is determined from GSTR 3B hence interest @18% will have to be paid on liability delayed through GSTR 3B
When the tax liability has been over-reported mistakenly, then in such a scenario, the taxpayer can adjust the exceeding amount in the next month/quarter’s return. If this is not possible then GST refund may be claimed.
Time limit of this adjustment is earlier of September month following the Financial year or before filing annual returns for the said FY
Hello mam, i have filed for cancellation of registration. But SCN is issued by the department because outward supply shown in gstr3b is less than outward supply in gstr 1. Can you please advice how can i report the missing sale and whether interest of 18% or 24% will be applicable. And can i show the sale now in gstr3b for the month of September. SCN issued for fy 19-20 sale
Hello Sir,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Also liability is determined from GSTR 3B hence interest @18% will have to be paid on liability delayed through GSTR 3B
good morning madam,
during the month of sep’17, the consultant put purchase value in IGST colomn instead of ITC amount. the mistake was reversed in jan’19 like ITC reversed coloumn. how to handle this in annual return . ? kindly help me in this regard madam.
Kindly refer to consultant for such specific issues
Kindly refer to consultants for such specific queries
Dear Sir/Madam,
I forget to upload one invoice in GSTR-1 in May 2019 , but i paid tax in same month,.
Please suggest where i show that invoice in GSTR-1 Sep’2020.
You have to show it in same table where you must have uploaded in case of May 2019. since tax amount is already paid you shall not have to pay interest on the same
However, you also have to add the details in HSN Table
we missed to add some bills of fy 2019-20 in gstr 1 of september 2020. so will i be able to add that bill in gstr1 of october 2020.(3b properly filed )
Hello Sir,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Hence time limit for FY 2019-20 is surpassed
Do refer this blog for such queries: https://irisgst.com/faqs-around-mistakes-in-gstr-3b-gstr-1-and-how-to-resolve-them/
i forgot to upload all b to c transactions of fy 2019-20 in gstr1 but however i have consider them all in gstr 3b. now please help me what should i do .
Hello Sir,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Hence time limit for FY 2019-20 is surpassed
Do refer this blog for such queries: https://irisgst.com/faqs-around-mistakes-in-gstr-3b-gstr-1-and-how-to-resolve-them/
Our CA has wrongly file the GSTR1 return for the month of Sep’18 actually it was NIL but copied the July18 GSTR1 data to Sep’18.
Now GSTR9 Annual return shows difference in amount because of the same. also unable to upload the corrected data file as there is no “prepare offline” option available.
can you please suggest any solution for this.
Kindly refer to consultant for such specific issues
good evening madam,
i have one small doubt towards ITC.
1. during the FY17-18, ITC amount 2,00,000 shown in the 3B of july’18 (FY 18-19). we cant shown the details in annual return of FY 17-18. now how to shown the ITC in annual return of FY 18-19.
Thanks for the great article and your comments.
I have mistakenly showed purchase return in GSTR 1 (under Debit notes) last month. How can i rectify this mistake ?
If a taxpayer over-reported a bill or reported a bill twice in form GSTR 1 then it can be revised in amendments under Table 9 of GSTR 1
We have not raised credit note for FY 19-20 and also not disclosed it in books as well as returns in the month of Sept 20 . Customer has paid full amount of invoice and now we have finalized our books for FY 19-20 and there will not be any transaction in FY 20-21. customer is demanding credit note. is there any other option to nullify the our accounts? or can we raise credit note in FY 20-21 after September 20 and disclosed it in Annual return?
Timelimit to issue credit note is earlier of 30th September of following the financial year or due date of filing annual return
But since time limit of Sepetmber 20 is already surpassed, hence you cannot issue credit note
Dear Sir/Mam,
I have mentioned incorrect total taxable figure in outwards supplies for the month of May 2020 ,Instead of Rs.1,24,28,446.00. I have reported 13,24,28,446.00.
Total Taxable Supplies in GSTR 3B is much more than what the actual sales for the month of MAY 2020
Kindly help/reply
Hello Madam,
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 20-21 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported/adjusted in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2021 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Kindly adjust the balance amount in June 2020 or any upcoming return till September 2021
Do refer this blog for such queries: https://irisgst.com/faqs-around-mistakes-in-gstr-3b-gstr-1-and-how-to-resolve-them/
I have raised a bill against a company for which I already filed the GSTR1 but because of some reasons they told us to cancel the bill which we did in the subsequent month and now they are asking us to reverse the cancellation is it possible??
Invoice being already cancelled cannot be reversed
Great information, I missed one bill But this article is more important for me
I have wrongly shown export sales under nil rated point which is 3.1 C point instead under zero rated and filed the 3B return, What can I do now??
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 20-21 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported/adjusted in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2021 or before filing of annual returns
kindly reduced the amount from next months 3.1.C section (Nil rates sales) and add it in 3.1.B section (Zero rated sales)
In case the value is not sufficient to reduce from section 3.1.C you can adjust the same till Sept 21
If you have already rectified the mistake, so in case of questions you can just provide them with the details of incorrect entry and corresponding rectification entry
“And in case this issue has occured in liability adjustment ….Adjust the amount in upcoming GSTR 3B by reducing the amount as follows
CGST amount of the month less amount over reported in previous month
SGST amount of the month less amount over reported in previous month
IGST amount of the month plus amount under reported in previous month
Any invoice/debit note/credit note (including sales invoice) of FY 20-21 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported/adjusted in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2021 or before filing of annual returns
dear madam
we are doing exports under payment of IGST. now our buyer in foreign country ask us to make a credit of $648.00 for shortage of goods.
1.shall i make credit note with IGST or without IGST?
2.if i make credit note,what are the points to keep in GST?
kindly clarify me madam.
Tax liability on outward supply missed to be declared up to march 2018 and also till september of next year in form GSTR 1 and GSTR-3B. Can it be shown in the annual return or how can it to be adjusted?
Time limit of adjustment has already surpassed
Outward supply value and its tax liabilty for fy 2019-20 missed to declare till September 2020 in Form GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B. Can it be shown in the Annual Return and Where it is to be shown?pls giude.
Any invoice/debit note/credit note of FY 19-20 missed/ incorrectly reported in GSTR 1/3B can be reported/adjusted in upcoming GSTR 1/3B till earlier of September 2020 or before filing of annual returns
Note: GSTR1/3B once filed cannot be amended, but any invoice if missed/incorrectly reported can be added in upcoming GSTR 1 /3B
Time limit to report such invoices is already surpassed. Hence no action
Hi Maam,
By mistake while filing GSTR-3B , I have put taxable value in IGST tab and CGST and SGST amt i have filed correct, in month of July 2020, can it be rectified now ? Please guide.
Adjust the taxable value of IGST tab by reducing the amounts in following month and showing amounts in correct tab. This adjustment can be done in all or any of the months till September 2021
Hi, I have missed two invoice in GSTR 1 in FY 2018-19 however correctly included in GSTR 3B in respective months. Then I corrected the same in GSTR 1 for the month of Nov-20 after the time period for correction. Hence, GST Department asked to pay the tax on the same for month of Nov-20 as it is considered as fresh liability. So I had paid the tax through DRC 03. Now whether I can claim refund for FY 2018-19 considering it to be excess tax paid?
Kindly refer to your tax consultant for such specific queries
Hi Mam by mistake i have enter purchase invoice twice with same invoice number ,date and amount for the month of Nov’20 and has already filled GST3B also ,how to rectify the problem.
Dear mam
In GSTR 3b i was wrongly entered my taxable amount by my liability was correct and i paid tax as per my correct liability and i filed no what is a solution how can i correct my taxable amount
Hi Madam, I have missed to update Credit Notes in GSTR-1 which were raised in the month of Jan-2021. Till april-2021 all the returns are filed except annual returns. Where Can I update these credit notes now? Please suggest.
Suppose there is no invoice in gstr-1 in april month but itc is available and by mistake u filed nil return i. e by mistake ITC not taken in April month. So, how can we solve this?? How can i claim April month ITC now??
I have missed to file GSTR1 for few months. Declared turnover in GSTR9 and GSTR3B is more than GSTR1. Do i need to pay tax , interest on the differential turnover (GSTR3B-GSTR1)?
I am not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more.
Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this info for my mission.
I am not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.
Thanks for great info I was looking for this info for my mission.