In the GST regime, an E-Way bill (Electronic Way Bill) needs to be generated on the GST portal – ewaybillgst.gov.in when goods of Rs. 50,000 or more are being transported from one place to another. If a person transports goods of Rs. 50,000 or more in value without generating an E-Way Bill, this attracts penalties and confiscation. Every time a new E-Way bill is generated, a unique E-Way Bill Number (EBN) is allotted. It is made available to all the people involved i.e. to the supplier, recipient, and the transporter.
As stated, an E-way bill is generated when goods of value 50,000 or more are transported in relation to:
- A ‘Supply’ activity
- Sales Return
- Inward Supply by an unregistered person.
Note: E-way Bill has to be generated in case of inter-state transfer even if the goods are less than Rs. 50,000 of value.
How to generate an E-Way Bill?An E-way Bill can be generated in multiple ways:
- Use the official GST Portal – http://ewaybill.nic.in
- Use the SMS based facility
- Use the services of IRIS Topaz
Topaz is a Cloud Based E-Way Bill Management Platform from the house of IRIS GST
It helps you manage the entire life cycle of your EWB, right from the generation to updates, rejection and cancellation. Topaz is designed to cater to the needs of suppliers, consignors and transporters alike, by enabling creation of business hierarchy and role/EWB assignment to mimic your sales and dispatch processes. With Topaz, you can plan and manage your E-Way bills in an easy and automated way, on the go!
How to generate an E-Way Bill when the goods are rejected by the recipient:
CASE I: The goods are in the warehouse of the transporter and are rejected by the recipient event before receiving them. Here, the goods will have to be transported back to the supplier’s godown.
- Scenario A): If the transporter is generating the e-way bill in case of sale resturn from his location till the supplier’s location then he can mention URP as GSTIN of the supplier and the dispatch address will be his own godown location.
Here is the screenshot for better understanding:

- Scenario B): If the supplier is generating the e-way bill in case of ‘sales resturn’ from transporter’s location to his own location, then he can mention either transporter’s GSTIN or URP in the supplier GSTIN column and the ‘dispatch address’ will be of transporter’s location.
Here is the screenshot for better understanding:

NOTE: As an inward E-way bill, the recipient’s GSTIN and address will always be of the supplier in all the cases.
Case II: The goods have reached the recipient and then they get rejected due to say some damage or ‘faulty products received’ or some ‘other consignment is received’ mistakenly. In this case, the goods again have to be transported back to the supplier.
- Now, if the supplier is generating the e-way bill from the recipient’s location to his own location so in this case, need to mention Supplier GSTIN and address of the buyer.
Here is the screenshot for better understanding:

In both these cases (I and II), a delivery challan has to be issued. The delivery challan is issued for sales return and it does not get reflected in GSTR 1.
A delivery challan is a document which is issued for transporting goods from one place to another when the traction is not considered as a ‘supply’.
NOTE: As an inward E-way bill, the recipient’s GSTIN and address will always be of the supplier in all the cases.
if we sent goods and party rejected then we sale another party on this place for save our freight and transportation
so how we manage e way bill in this case
In case party has rejected the material within 24hrs of EWB generation – EWB will also have to be cancelled
And kindly issue fresh EWB and Invoice for another party
What will be the document to return goods if goods are rejected. Usually they ask counter confirmation of rejection.
Is there a circular to substantiate URP can be quoted these scenarios.
The goods have reached the recipient and then they get rejected
Now, if the supplier is generating the e-way bill from the recipient’s location to his own location so in this case, need to mention Supplier GSTIN and address of the buyer
The delivery challan is issued for sales return and it does not get reflected in GSTR 1.
what will be the (document date) in case of generating inward e-way bill for rejected item?
it’ll same as issued date or the current date?
It will be current date of on which EWB for rejection is being generated
if my purchase party has send me goods but now i have returned the goods so should i make eway bill or purchase party will make as inward
Goods supplied with GST invoice and e way bill. But party rejected the goods and asking us to lift the same for replacement after 02 months.
What is the procedure again to take back and for replacement with fresh invoice.
Please suggest.
Kindly refer to your tax consultant for such specific queries
In case of Bill to ship to Sales, material is rejected at by the shipping party.
He return the material via Debit Note to the Trader and shows the Ship to Address to the actual supplier.
Lets say A is the Supplier, B is Receiver and T is Trader.
B issues a Debit Note to T , and shows the address of A under Ship To.
Does this one eway suffice, or T has to create own Eway Bill for A
Yes, one E-Way bill is suffice.
Hey very nice blog!