Form GSTR 9: Categories, Applicability, Parts & Sub-Parts, Preparation, & Filing

Every registered taxpayer with a turnover of more than Rs. 2 Cr. needs to file the annual return in GSTR 9 form. It is an elaborate form with several parts and sub-parts.

Table 4 and 5 of Form GSTR-9 Explained: 10 Step Guide to Outward Supply

In this part, you need to provide consolidated details of all your outward supplies and advances received on which tax is applicable during the financial year for which the return is filed.

GSTR 9: Here are 8 FAQs Around GST Annual Return

Annual GST Return - Everything you want to know about GSTR9, GSTR9A, GSTR9B, GSTR9C filing. A statement that every taxpayer needs to file annually.

Nil GSTR 9 Return Filing: Do You Need to Do That?

GSTR 9 is an annual return form that a regular taxpayer is required to file for his/her annual turnover. The form requires invoice details for inward and outward supplies as procured by the given business.

GSTR 9C: A Complete Guide to Preparing GSTR 9C | Explained Table-wise

GSTR 9C form has a reconciliation statement for reconciling turnover, input tax credits and tax payments. Let’s see in brief about GSTR 9C

How to Fill ITC Reversal details in GSTR 9: Table 7 Explained

The amount of input tax credit reversed as per this provision shall be added to the output tax liability of the Registered Person for the month in which the details are furnished.

Inward Supplies and ITC in GSTR 9: Table 6 Explained

In the Annual Return GSTR 9, as we all know, details of outward and inward supplies along with ITC claimed, reversed, tax liability, tax payment and the adjustments are to be reported.

GSTR 9 Annual Return Form: Parts and Sub-sections Explained

GSTR-9 is an annual return form that needs to be filed once a year by registered taxpayers under GST disclosing a detailed summary of outward supply and taxes paid thereon.

Your 3-step Guide to a Hassle-free Reconciliation under GST

Every month’s GST filing, you need to reconcile your purchase data with all your suppliers’ sales data that they have uploaded on GSTN.
