ICEGate or Indian Customs Electronic Commerce/Electronic Data Interchange (EC/EDI) Gateway is the provider of e-filing services for the importers, exporters and other trading partners in India. With ICEGate, the user can make E-payments, Track Document status at Customs EDI, Register for IPR, Verify IE Code, etc. making it an essential tool for traders and exporters in India.
The ICEGate portal facilitates the transmission of the export refund directly to the user’s bank account.
Transmission of export data to Customs designated portal
The details of the relevant export invoices in respect of export of goods contained in FORM GSTR-1 shall be transmitted electronically by the common portal to the system designated by the Customs and the said system shall electronically transmit to the common portal, a confirmation that the goods covered by the said invoices have been exported out of India. Details of export invoices are available at ICEGATE portal.
Provided that where the date for furnishing the details of outward supplies in FORM GSTR-1 for a tax period has been extended, then in exercise of the powers conferred under section 37 of the Act, the supplier shall furnish the details of information relating to exports as specified in Table 6A of FORM GSTR-1 after the return in FORM GSTR-3B has been furnished and the same shall be transmitted electronically by the common portal to the system designated by the Customs
Note that the Table 6A has to be furnished only after filing of Form GSTR-3B under the respective tax period.
Cautions to ensure transmission of Data to Customs designated Portal
1. Data Matching
To ensure that the GST System transmits the export invoice data, in case of export of goods with payment of IGST, to ICEGATE for refund, Exporters need to provide Complete and Correct Data while filing Table 6A of GSTR-1 as under:
- Invoice No. and Date (Tax invoice and not commercial invoice).
- Select from drop down list (WPAY- with payment of tax)/WOPAY-without payment of tax.
- Shipping Bill No. & Date. While using offline tool for GSTR 1, the date format is dd-mmm-yyyy e.g. 15th July 2017 will be written as 15-Jul-2017 and not like 15/07/2017.
- Six Digit Port Code should be mentioned correctly.
- Invoice Value: It is the total value of export goods covered by the invoice including of tax and other charges, if any.
- Taxable Value: It is the value of goods, on which tax is paid. (Value net of tax).
- Tax Paid IGST, only in case, where the export is done on payment of IGST
2. Value Differences
Where the value declared in the tax invoice is different from the export value declared in the corresponding shipping bill under the Customs Act, refund claims are not being processed The value recorded in the GST invoice should normally be the transaction value as determined under section 15 of the CGST Act read with the rules made thereunder. The same transaction value should normally be recorded in the corresponding shipping bill / bill of export. During the processing of the refund claim, the value of the goods declared in the GST invoice and the value in the corresponding shipping bill / bill of export should be examined and the lower of the two values should be sanctioned as refund. [Para 9,9.1 of Circular 37/11/2018 dated 15- 03-2018]
3. IGST Paid Differences GSTR-1 and 3B
It is one of validation check by GSTIN that aggregate IGST paid amount claimed in Table 6A of GSTR-1 is not higher that IGST paid amount indicated in Table under column 3.1(b) of GSTR-3B of corresponding month. To ensure that the GST System transmits the export invoice data, in case of export of goods with payment of IGST, to ICEGATE for refund, Exporters should make payment of Tax and File Return as under:
- File Form GSTR-3B of corresponding period.
- In case of export of goods, the IGST amount paid should be shown through Table 3.1(b) of GSTR-3B and amount must be equal to or greater than the total IGST amount shown in Table 6A, and Table 6B, of GSTR-1 for the corresponding tax period.
As return in FORM GSTR-3B does not contain provisions for reporting of differential figures for past month(s), the said figures may be reported on net basis along with the values for current month itself in appropriate tables i.e. Table No. 3.1, 3.2, 4 and 5, as the case may be. It may be noted that while making adjustment in the output tax liability or input tax credit, there can be no negative entries in the FORM GSTR-3B.
The amount remaining for adjustment, if any, may be adjusted in the return(s) in FORM GSTR3B of subsequent month(s) and, in cases where such adjustment is not feasible, refund may be claimed. Where adjustments have been made in FORM GSTR-3B of multiple months, corresponding adjustments in FORM GSTR-1 should also preferably be made in the corresponding months. [Para 4 of Circular 26/26/2017 dated 29-12-17]
Auto Drafting of GSTR-1
As and when the Form auto-drafted in FORM GSTR-1 are furnished for the said tax period, then details of exports will be auto-drafted from the Table 6A referred above. The procedure is as follows:
- File GSTR-3B for a Tax Period
- Fill Table 6A of Form GSTR-1 available on the Common Portal. Refund will be processed based on this Table 6A
- As and when Form GSTR-1 is filed, the data relating to exports will be auto-populated from the above Table 6A
Thus,the Export Refund by ICEGate is dependent on few factors. Before claiming a refund, the taxpayers should ensure the following conditions are met:
- GSTR-3B for the month has been filed
- Table 6A (Refund on Export) of GSTR-1 has been filed
- Shipping Bill details are correctly provided in Table 6A of GSTR-1.
- The IGST amount mentioned in GSTR-3B is equal to the IGST mentioned in Table 6A of GSTR-1.
Processing of IGST Refund Claim
Upon the receipt of the information regarding the furnishing of a valid return in FORM GSTR-3 or FORM GSTR-3B, as the case may be, from the common portal, the system designated by the Customs or the proper officer of Customs, as the case may be shall process the claim of refund in respect of export of goods and an amount equal to the integrated tax paid in respect of each shipping bill or bill of export shall be electronically credited to the bank account of the applicant mentioned in his registration particulars and as intimated to the Customs authorities.
As per Instruction No.15/2017-Customs dated 9-10-17, The amount of refund of IGST paid on export of goods shall be credited to the account of exporter registered with Customs even if it is different from bank account mentioned in registration particulars.
Consequence of unfulfilled conditions:
Before initiating the refund procedure, supplier’s filing data is given a thorough check to assure the taxpayer has filed his/her returns without any errors. And for any faulty filing or mismatch in return forms, the ICEGate officials can delay or even reject the exporter’s fund transfer. But before doing so, a notification is sent to the exporter by GSTN, informing him/her about such difference. So that the exporter can make necessary corrections in subsequent returns and get the refunds.
Export Refund through ICEGate portal
1. Once the taxpayer files the form GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B, GSTN examines the content of Table 6A of GSTR-1.
2. Shipping bill details like shipping bill number, date and port code are transferred from GSTN to the ICEGate portal.
3. The ICEGate portal first checks the correctness of shipping bill details and then examines the details between the two forms and verifies if the amount has actually been paid.
4. The outcome of the verification procedure can lead to 2 scenarios,
- Transmission of export refund: If all the conditions are met and IGST has been paid, the refund process is initiated and the taxpayer receives his/her refund within 5-6 working days.
- Non-transmission of export refund: ICEGate officials delay or hold the export refund on the grounds of one or more reasons as given below:
- Faulty entry of Shipping Bill Number, Shipping Bill Date or Port Code while uploading invoices in GSTR-1.
- The taxpayer does not mention the invoice type as exports with payment of duty while uploading invoices in GSTR-1.
- Taxpayer failed to indicate the applicable IGST amount in Table 3.1b in GSTR-3B.
- The taxpayer has paid an insufficient amount in GSTR-3B, contrasting to his/her declaration in form GSTR-1.
Due to above reasons the invoice does not get transmitted to ICE GATE and taxpayer does not get refund.
Withholding of Refund of integrated tax paid on exports
The claim for refund shall be withheld where, –
- a request has been received from the jurisdictional Commissioner of central tax, State tax or Union territory tax to withhold the payment of refund due to the person claiming refund in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (10) or sub-section (11) of section 54; or the proper officer of Customs determines that the goods were exported in violation of the provisions of the Customs Act, 1962.
- the proper officer of integrated tax at the Customs station shall intimate the applicant and the jurisdictional Commissioner of central tax, State tax or Union territory tax, as the case may be, and a copy of such intimation shall be transmitted to the common portal
- the proper officer of central tax or State tax or Union territory tax, as the case may be, shall pass an order in Part B of FORM GST RFD-07
- Where the applicant becomes entitled to refund of the amount withheld, the concerned jurisdictional officer of central tax, State tax or Union territory tax, as the case may be, shall proceed to refund the amount after passing an order in FORM Part A of GST RFD-06.
The Delay or Holding of export refunds is temporary as the taxpayer can rectify the given mistakes in subsequent returns (through amendments) and claim for his/her refund to be processed.
IRIS GST is a registered GSP under the GST regime and provider of premium quality GST compliance tools in India. With tools like IRIS Sapphire (invoice management) and IRIS Topaz (Eway Bill management), IRIS GST aims to provide a hassle-free GST compliance experience across the nation.
For any queries or to book our free demo, mail us at support@irisgst.com.
Non transmisstion of export refund from Gstn to Icegate
IEC NO. 0396025137
ARN no. AA270220900603T for GSTR 3B FOR FEB-2020
Email – j_kapoor@live.com
“Dear Sir, You might have received email with below content from GSTN on filing of your GSTR1
“”The GST System uses ledger based approach to validate if sum total of IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) of GSTR 3B across all periods is equal to, or greater than, the sum total of IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B of GSTR 1 across all periods. The eligible invoices, having complete SB/Port details, are transmitted by the GST System only if such cumulative validation of IGST/CESS is successful.
The GST System does not transmit an eligible invoice to ICEGATE until the aforesaid validation is successful, i.e. the sum paid as IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) is greater than or equal to IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B. The ledger shows the difference between these two which should be ZERO or positive) for invoices to be transmitted to ICEGATE.””
To get refund of it is important to show these invoices in Table 6 in GSTR-1 and Table 3.1(b) in GSTR-3B.
Please check both 3B and GSTR 1 are filed and amounts mentioned in 3B are either greater than or equal to the amounts mentioned in the GSTR 1
This is what the mail from GSTN suggests”
We are receiving below mail every month when we file GSTR1, pls guide for it:
Dear Sir/Madam,
This is with reference to the recent processing of export invoices for GSTIN 07AABCF2059E1ZZ. Please be informed that the invoices have failed validation at GST System, and haven’t got transmitted to ICEGATE for further processing.
The GST System uses ledger based approach to validate if sum total of IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) of GSTR 3B across all periods is equal to, or greater than, the sum total of IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B of GSTR 1 across all periods. The eligible invoices, having complete SB/Port details, are transmitted by the GST System only if such cumulative validation of IGST/CESS is successful.
The GST System does not transmit an eligible invoice to ICEGATE until the aforesaid validation is successful, i.e. the sum paid as IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) is greater than or equal to IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B. The ledger shows the difference between these two which should be ZERO or positive) for invoices to be transmitted to ICEGATE.
For GSTIN 07AABCF2059E1ZZ, the present IGST difference is Rs.-813446.67 and the CESS difference is Rs.0.0. You may use table 3.1(b) of subsequent GSTR-3B to fulfil this difference and the GST System shall transmit invoices upon successful validation.
Please feel free to contact GST Taxpayer Helpdesk for any further questions.
Thanks & Regards
Dear Sir, Yes you might have received email with below content from GSTN on filing of your GSTR1
The GST System uses ledger based approach to validate if sum total of IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) of GSTR 3B across all periods is equal to, or greater than, the sum total of IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B of GSTR 1 across all periods. The eligible invoices, having complete SB/Port details, are transmitted by the GST System only if such cumulative validation of IGST/CESS is successful.
The GST System does not transmit an eligible invoice to ICEGATE until the aforesaid validation is successful, i.e. the sum paid as IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) is greater than or equal to IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B. The ledger shows the difference between these two which should be ZERO or positive) for invoices to be transmitted to ICEGATE.””
To get refund of it is important to show these invoices in Table 6 in GSTR-1 and Table 3.1(b) in GSTR-3B.
Please check both 3B and GSTR 1 are filed and amounts mentioned in 3B are either greater than or equal to the amounts mentioned in the GSTR 1
This is what the mail from GSTN suggests
Need help in filing refund under Table 6A for export invoices, I am unable to submit the shipping bill no. since the portal accepts 7 digit code and I only have 6 digit codes. Tried adding a zero as a prefix however, it’s not accepting it. Cannot find any advise around this online. My shipping company has also refused to provide a 7 digit code for previous bills. Please guide.
Thank you
Kindly recheck if you are adding Port code. Normally Port Code is six digits
Respected Sir/Madam,
We export our goods without LUT i.e. after charging of IGST on our export invoice which will be automatically get refunded through ICEGATE.
In Feburary’19 we had IGST Amount in Outward taxable supplies (Zero Rated) is Rs.15,30,718/- which had to be posted under Table 3.1 (b) but by mistake we file GSTR-3B IGST Amount in Outward taxable supplies (Zero Rated) Rs. 11,65,573/- under Table 3.1 (b) and Outward taxable supplies (Other than Zero Rated) Rs. 3,65,145/- Table 3.1 (a).
In March’19 we had IGST Amount in Outward taxable supplies (Zero Rated) is Rs.35,37,716/- which had to be posted under Table 3.1 (b) but by mistake we file GSTR-3B IGST Amount in Outward taxable supplies (Zero Rated) Rs. 22,81,825/- under Table 3.1 (b) and Outward taxable supplies (Other than Zero Rated) Rs. 12,55,891/- Table 3.1 (a).
For above two reason we are unable to get IGST refund of subsequent months because our Shipping bill will not transmitted on the ICEGATE PORTAL automatically and NET IGST balance on Export ledger is shown as Negative Balance of Rs. (16,21,043.32)/-
Dear Sir, Kindly refer such case to consultant. Our Query resolution is restricted to generic queries
Hi Bhavika,
We received following email from icegate
In reference to your an incident number IM01131184, your issue has been resolved. Solution is: Mentioned SB : 4013398 processed at icegate end with response code SB006 Response description :’GATEWAY EGM Details not available’ Kindly contact shipping line.
We have already talked to shipping line and they have already shown the EGM screenshot the details are already there.
EGM No. EGM Date Container No. Seal No. Error Message
R1237942907 2020-729 CLSU4001016 495632 N.A.
AWB No. Gateway Port Gateway EGM No. Gateway EGM Date Gateway Site ID Error Code
N.A. INMUN1 1000781 2020-08-06 00:00:00.0 INMUN1 S
Kindly suggest how to proceed
When we file export of services with payment of IGST in GSTR1 we get the non transmission message from GSTN portal about the ICEGATE mismatch. Can this message be ignored or does it have any consequences. Kindly suggest. Since there are no goods we cannot enter the shipping bill and other details .
Dear Sir, Yes you might have received email with below content from GSTN on filing of your GSTR1
“”The GST System uses ledger based approach to validate if sum total of IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) of GSTR 3B across all periods is equal to, or greater than, the sum total of IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B of GSTR 1 across all periods. The eligible invoices, having complete SB/Port details, are transmitted by the GST System only if such cumulative validation of IGST/CESS is successful.
The GST System does not transmit an eligible invoice to ICEGATE until the aforesaid validation is successful, i.e. the sum paid as IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) is greater than or equal to IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B. The ledger shows the difference between these two which should be ZERO or positive) for invoices to be transmitted to ICEGATE.””
To get refund of it is important to show these invoices in Table 6 in GSTR-1 and Table 3.1(b) in GSTR-3B.
Please check both 3B and GSTR 1 are filed and amounts mentioned in 3B are either greater than or equal to the amounts mentioned in the GSTR 1
This is what the mail from GSTN suggests
Dear resolver,
GST for month July-2020 Successfully filed and email received invoice get successfully transmitted to ICEGATE, however checking IGST validation at icegate founds no data and while checking the same with customs- they say that the shipping bills not got integrated with Customs EDI for IGST processing.
Can guide a resolution or rectification steps?
Thanks a lot in advance
Dear Sir, Yes you might have received email with below content from GSTN on filing of your GSTR1
“”The GST System uses ledger based approach to validate if sum total of IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) of GSTR 3B across all periods is equal to, or greater than, the sum total of IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B of GSTR 1 across all periods. The eligible invoices, having complete SB/Port details, are transmitted by the GST System only if such cumulative validation of IGST/CESS is successful.
The GST System does not transmit an eligible invoice to ICEGATE until the aforesaid validation is successful, i.e. the sum paid as IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) is greater than or equal to IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B. The ledger shows the difference between these two which should be ZERO or positive) for invoices to be transmitted to ICEGATE.””
To get refund of it is important to show these invoices in Table 6 in GSTR-1 and Table 3.1(b) in GSTR-3B.
Please check both 3B and GSTR 1 are filed and amounts mentioned in 3B are either greater than or equal to the amounts mentioned in the GSTR 1
This is what the mail from GSTN suggests
Dear Sir,
I have a problem where my GST invoices are sucessfully transmitted to ICEGATE and in the shipping bill validation screen, few invoices are not showing for validation.
Please advise.
The GST System does not transmit an eligible invoice to ICEGATE until the aforesaid validation is successful, i.e. the sum paid as IGST/CESS paid under Table 3.1(b) is greater than or equal to IGST/CESS from invoices under Tables 6A/9A/6B. The ledger shows the difference between these two which should be ZERO or positive) for invoices to be transmitted to ICEGATE.””
To get refund of it is important to show these invoices in Table 6 in GSTR-1 and Table 3.1(b) in GSTR-3B.
Please check both 3B and GSTR 1 are filed and amounts mentioned in 3B are either greater than or equal to the amounts mentioned in the GSTR 1
We are export with payment of IGSt but shipping bill not mention IGST and we re not received IGST refund from custom. Now how can received IGST Payment from department
Dear Sir, kindly eloborate your query
The details of the relevant export invoices in respect of export of goods contained in FORM GSTR-1 are transmitted electronically by the common portal to the system designated by the Customs and the said system shall electronically transmit to the common portal, a confirmation that the goods covered by the said invoices have been exported out of India. Details of export invoices are available at ICEGATE portal
We have made one export Shipping Bill no. 2387084 dated 28-02-2019 with the IGST payment from Chennai Seaport (port code INMAA1). We have filed the GSTR1 and GSTR3B Returns for this export during the month February 2019. While entering the data in GSTR1 – Table6A due to clerical mistake, we have wrongly mentioned the shipping bill number. We have mentioned the shipping bill number as 2387884 instead of 2387084. The correct shipping bill number is 2387084.
We have tried to correct the Shipping bill number later in Table 9A of the GSTR1 Returns in the subsequent month, but it was not allowing us to do the correction and got the message that “You are not allowed to amend the document as you have already applied/claimed refund”.
In this regard we have contacted GSTN Portal and they had informed that “Your invoices have been transmitted to ICEGATE, and same has been validated by ICEGATE. As per business process, amendment is not allowed for invoices that have been validated by ICEGATE”.
We have forward the response received from GSTN portal to ICEGATE. They had given solution as follows: “Kindly apply for the GST refund as No data has been found in GSSB_CONTROL_TABLE for SB No—2387084 dated –28-02-2019”.
Dear Sir, Kindly refer consultant for such queries
Dear Mr. Surya Prakash,
has your problem been solved as i have the same problem and have no solution for that.
Re-frame the question
We have not received IGST refund for our Export in the month of June 2020-21. We had made the mistakes in GSTR -1 and we have corrected the date in OCT GSTR-1 so kindly the status and revert us back what issue is there and why this refund is not proceed.
Shipping Bill No- 3394239
Shipping Bill Date- 24/06/2020
Kindly refer to your consultants for specific transactional queries
we have wrongly mentioned one invoice in nov as without payment of tax but paid the tax correctly in GSTR-3B. This invoice is transmitted to icegate with this details and our refund is not realised. Refund for all the invoices after Nov are realised till date. But now we are trying to amend this invoice in gstr’1 of may but system is not allowing us to do the changes. Message popping up is ” you have already claimed refund against this shipping bill/ invoice”. Please suggest us on what to be done to claim refund on this invoice/shipping bill
Kindly refer to your tax consultant for such specific queries