In our previous blog, we discussed form RFD-01 and RFD 01A in detail and in our next blog, we covered form RFD-02 which is an acknowledgement and a respond to RFD-01.
Form RFD-03
In case any deficiencies are noticed in form RFD-01, then RFD 03 is issued by the Refund Processing Officer. Form RFD-03 also known as Deficiency memo. In the form, the initial basic details of this memo are the same as the basic details in form RFD-02. The only addition is the address of the applicant.
The main body of the memo states is the same for all applicants only the reason keeps on changing based on the deficiency in the form RFD-01/01A. There are two options available for mentioning the reason. The first option is a drop-down where various reasons are given. If the reason for the deficiency is not available in the given drop down then the officer can mention the reason on his own in option 2.
Towards the end of the memo, the date, place, signature, name and designation of the officer is mentioned.
Important Point To Note: In case the applicant receives RFD-03 then the form RFD-01/01A is treated as invalid, the applicant needs to file a fresh return in which these deficiencies should be corrected.
In our next blog, we will cover RFD-04.
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