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    Live Webinar   

Join us for an exclusive webinar on
Mastering Tax Audits and Financial Analysis from a
GST Perspective

Navigating the complexities of tax audits and GST compliance is essential for any professional in corporate finance. This webinar will delve into the intricacies of tax audit applicability, effective preparation strategies for tax audits, and a thorough analysis of financial statements from a GST perspective.

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    16th July, 2024 at 11 AM IST

    16th July 2024 at
    11 AM IST

This event has already passed, check out our latest webinars here

Key Takeaways

Participants will leave the webinar with :

  1. A clear understanding of the criteria for tax audit applicability and how to determine if their business is affected.
  2. Practical guidance on preparing for a tax audit, including best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.
  3. Analyzing Financial Statements from a GST Perspective, with a particular focus on ensuring GST compliance and identifying opportunities for optimization.
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    Introduction to Tax Audit Applicability: Understanding when and why your business might be subject to a tax audit.
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    Preparing for a Tax Audit: Strategies and tips for thorough preparation.
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    Analyzing Financial Statements from a GST Perspective: Key considerations and techniques for compliance and optimization.
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    Q&A Session: An opportunity to ask our experts your specific questions and gain further insights.
Who Should Attend?

This webinar is designed for

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    CFOs and Financial Managers looking to refine their strategic financial planning and compliance processes.
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    Accountants and Auditors seeking to update their knowledge on tax audit practices and GST implications.
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    Tax Professionals and Consultants aiming to enhance their advisory services with the latest insights into GST compliance.
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    Business Owners and Entrepreneurs who need to understand the impact of tax audits and GST on their operations.
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    Compliance Officers responsible for ensuring their organizations meet all regulatory requirements.
Introduction to-Tax-Audit-Applicability

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding and skills in tax audits and GST compliance.

Whether you’re looking to improve your organization’s financial processes, ensure compliance, or simply stay updated on the latest in corporate finance, this webinar is for you.

Navigate GST with Confidence by Mastering Tax Audits

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate finance, staying ahead in understanding and implementing tax audits and GST compliance is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. “Mastering Tax Audits and Financial Analysis from a GST Perspective” is a webinar crafted for professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge and enhance their skills in navigating the complexities of tax audits and GST regulations. This session aims to provide a clear, comprehensive overview of tax audit processes, preparation strategies, and the intricacies of financial analysis through a GST lens.

Speakers For The Day

Swati Ajmera
Product Manager
Swati Ajmera is a Chartered Accountant with 10 years of experience in Direct and Indirect taxation, Assessment, and Audit. Her current role at IRIS as a GST Consultant involves active participation in product development for the IRIS LMS Software, showcasing her proficiency in software development within the taxation domain.

She has a deep understanding of litigation process with drafting appropriate replies by understanding the critical litigation matters. Proficiency in clients handling for litigation related queries and has been actively involved in providing support and solution in this area.

Nitin Khairnar
Senior Customer Success Manager
Nitin is Customer Success Manager for IRISGST at IRIS Business. An ICWA, Nitin comes with approximately 12 years of experience in Compliance Reporting. He has been handling clients in Indian Markets since the GST mandate and has profound expertise in product demonstration, product functioning, GST filing, issue resolution and Notice Management. During leisure time, he loves to listen to Bollywood songs.

Reserve your spot today and take a significant step towards mastering the complexities of tax audits and GST compliance.

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